Friday, July 30, 2010

Who Is To Blame For These Deficits? Numbers Don't Lie

D. L. Holyman, a former local banker and semi-infrequent attendee of coffee at the Cafe, made an appearance recently and was furiously ranting and raving..  D. L. is normally about as cool as banker's get, which is near ice cold, but on this day he was just plain fed up, "I am so tired of hearing about the 'Bush Recession' and what this joke in the White House inherited.  I am equally tired of hearing uninformed and forgetful Republicans surrender by agreeing that Bush went crazy with his spending in his last years in the White House.  It is time to look at the facts.  They follow:

1.  Bill Clinton ran deficits from 1993 until 1994 with a Democratic Congress that averaged $225B.  The Gingrich revolution began in 1995 and deficits decreased from $164B to $22B over the next three years.
2.  Clinton/Gingrich then actually had surpluses of $69B, $125B, and $236kB in the next three years as Gingrich held the Dems feet to the fire and Clinton governed to his newly found middle which even included Welfare Reform.  The economy prospered over these years from the Internet and Wall Street Bubble.
3.  Bush entered office in the year 2001 as the Internet Bubble was popping and the deficit went from a $236B surplus in '00 to a $127B deficit in '01, Bush's first year.
4.  Bush enjoyed a Republican Congress until 2007 when Pelosi and Reid took over.  The deficit in 2007 was $162B.  Not bad at all compared to things going on today.
5.  The deficit grew rapidly with the Democratic Congress and Bush to $455B in 2008.
6.  Obama joined up with his Democratic Congress in 2009, and with this one party rule, the deficit exploded to $1,400B.  That is $1.4 TRILLION for those of you at the Drug Store and over a 200% increase.
7.  Deficits with Obama/Pelosi/Reid are projected to exceed $1,400B again this year with no reductions in sight, and Obamacare starting to kick in next year.

"While Presidents can veto spending, the budgets are created and controlled in Congress.  Democratic Congressional leaders have their finger prints all over our out of control spending since 2008 as they destroyed the disciplined spending practices of the Gingrich Revolution.  While I think Bush did not veto enough spending in his last two years, my personal guess is he made a deal with the Demonic Democrats that he would allow some domestic spending increases if they would approve his Iraq War and Home Land Security budgets.  However, there is no doubt that our EXPLOSION in 2009 is clearly the fault of Obama/Pelosi/Reid.  I defy anyone to study these deficit facts and argue otherwise."

Billy Roy Mitchum responded, "Seems like Newt gave us a surplus, Pelosi is bringing bankruptcy, and the Teleprompter says 'BLAME BUSH AND AMERICAN CAPITALISTS' while using the 'CRISIS' to spread our money around to his cronies  Seems like folks need to study the facts and decide what they want, and they have between now and November to do it.  Heck, we would be better off with a congress of drunken sailors on shore leave."

Think about it,


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Barack Hussein Obama: The Common Man Sharing Our Pain

"When the current resident of the White House ran for office he talked frequently of his advantage in helping the folks because of his family's experiences.  He said, 'it was only a short time ago that Michelle and I were running up credit card debt like common people do'," Butch opened the discussion on this sunny July afternoon as the folks huddled in the Hubbard City Cafe in an effort to avoid the global warming in the downtown area.  The folks braced knowing that Butch may be semi-skeptical of our President's claim of being one of the common folks.  Sure enough, Butch continued, "Last night the President met with close friends and contributors in New York City, after filming his chat with the girls on the View.  He raised $3 million by charging these common Democratic Progressives $30,000 per plate for dinner and conversation with the Messiah."

Sweet Lou Tekell jumped on this one, "Just a few weeks ago Londoners were astonished at Obama's arrival for the G20 summit where the world's leaders were exchanging ideas in an austere atmosphere on how to cut back on deficit spending, unemployment, and weak economies.  So here comes Barry arriving with a staff of 500 people, including 200 Secret Service Agents, a team of six doctors, the White House chef and staff with the President's own food and water.  It doesn't stop here.  He also had 35 vehicles, 4 speech writers, and of course no fewer than 12 teleprompters.  You know he thinks he can talk his way out of anything.  Not only did they take Air Force One, of course, but also the presidential helicopter, Marine One, plus a flight of identical decoy helicopters to ferry him from Stansted airport to central London.  I am not making this up.  It was in the London press, but of course, not picked up by the government controlled media here in the States.  Brits and world leaders were appalled."

This turned into an Obama slug fest as my Mom, and most Hubbard people's second Mom, entered the discussion, "He even has Aunt Martha's dogs upset.  Last week the Obamas arrived in Maine for their vacation and the local paper, the Morning Sentinel, described the scene:  'The president was the first to walk onto the tarmac, dressed casually in a pale blue Oxford shirt and khakis. A few minutes later, the first lady, dressed in black Capri's, a tank-top and sandals, walked onto the runway. Shortly afterward, Malia and Sasha joined their parents."

"Now it gets good. Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president’s personal aide Reggie Love.  The president who said the rest of us are going to have to sacrifice to get out of these hard economic times let his dog fly on his own plane? Not enough room on Air Force One for a Portuguese water dog and Reggie Love?  One writer added 'There was some concern because the 747 cargo conversion carrying the First Couple’s egos was a bit late in arriving'.  Just how common are these folks? And Aunt Martha's dogs saw this story and want their own jet, too. Thanks Obama."

Billy Roy Mitchum, unelected but unquestionably the Chairman of the Hubbard City Cafes Coffee Folks summed up as is usually the case, "And this is the guy that is going to spend our way out of these deficits.  If spending will do it, it appears he is the man for the job.  But I am afraid that we know, at best he is a incompetent spoiled academic.  At worst he is a corrupt Socialist freeloader.  I just saw the percentage of people in his administration with business backgrounds, which might come in handy if you are managing a worldwide recession and the world's largest economy.  His is the lowest in history at an astounding 8%.  Even Kennedy was 30% and Carter 32%.  Real Chief Executives like George Bush was 55%, Reagan was 56%, and Eisenhower 57%.  Even Slick Willie was smart enough to have 39% of his staff and cabinet with business backgrounds.  It appears the only business people Obama can stomach are those paying $30 thousand a plate for the privilege of his company and government kick backs."

And BM closed,  "God Bless Us All and hopefully no later than November."

Think about it,


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Proven Reagan Roadmap

Billy Roy picked up on last week's coffee talk about Ronald Reagan's warning to our country of the dangers of the people allowing a totalitarian regime from taking over our government.  Reagan felt, " The best defense against these regimes was to insure that government actions and policies were based on solid values and principles.

"President Reagan based his beliefs and actions on good old fashioned 'values'. In fact when he joined the Republican Party he said  'We, the members of the New Republican Party, believe that the preservation and enhancement of the values that strengthen and protect individual freedom, family life, neighborhoods and the liberty of our beloved nation should be at the heart of any legislative or political program presented to the American people'.

"Reagan continued, 'Families must continue to be the foundation of our nation. Families -- not government programs -- are the best way to make sure our children are properly nurtured, our elderly are cared for, our cultural and spiritual heritages are perpetuated, our laws are observed and our values are preserved. ... We fear the government may be powerful enough to destroy our families; we know that it is not powerful enough to replace them'. 

"Today the totalitarian regime in office with its pack of socialists are attacking families every way possible even though Obama's words would try to convince you that he is a supporter.  As always his actions speak differently and it starts with an attack on marriage.  God created man, woman, and marriage between one man and one woman.  It is a God given right and yet Obama's crew would let anyone define a family in anyway that suits them.  Additionally, our liberal laws have made divorce easy while creating a welfare system that rewards those for having children out of wedlock.  Our liberals in Hollywood rarely marry at all and set horrible examples for our young people.  Obama praises the Muslim faith which practices polygamy while many times brutalizing their wives under Sharia law.  Estimates are that anywhere from 50 to 100 thousand Muslims in the US are practicing illegal polygamy."

"Reagan also believed that America's future was dependent upon our spiritual heritage.  Listen to this, 'Our party must be based on the kind of leadership that grows and takes its strength from the people. ... And our cause must be to rediscover, reassert and reapply America's spiritual heritage to our national affairs. Then with God's help we shall indeed be as a city upon a hill with the eyes of all people upon us'.

"Here again there are powerful so called progressive forces at work to separate God from government every way possible.  Gingrich calls them 'secular socialist'.  The communist have always known they can only succeed if they can get people to look to the government and not God for their needs.  They take every opportunity to paint our founders as old white racists and religious radicals.  At times they try to produce evidence that one to the founders was an atheist when the truth is they were largely men of faith, most colonies were based on religious values, and all but one of the first universities were faith based schools."

"Lastly, Reagan's comments about the economy when he took over the huge mess from Jimmy Carter should be heeded by all Americans today.  He said, 'Extreme taxation, excessive controls, oppressive government competition with business ... frustrated minorities and forgotten Americans are not the products of free enterprise (Does this sound like the World today?). They are the residue of centralized bureaucracy, of government by a self-anointed elite."

"In his 1981 inaugural address, President Reagan assured the nation: 'The economic ills we suffer ... will not go away in days, weeks, or months, but they will go away (and they did under his leadership). They will go away because we, as Americans, have the capacity now, as we have had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom. In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem'.

"While Reagan gave very strong warnings about the evils of totalitarianism he was always an optimist with a positive message.  His final words at the 1992 Republican convention reflect that appeal: 'And whatever else history may say about me when I'm gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence rather than your doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty's lamp guiding your steps and opportunity's arm steadying your way. My fondest hope for each one of you -- and especially for young people -- is that you will love your country, not for her power or wealth, but for her selflessness and her idealism. May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will make the world a little better for your having been here. May all of you as Americans never forget your heroic origins, never fail to seek divine guidance, and never lose your natural, God-given optimism. And finally, my fellow Americans, may every dawn be a great new beginning for America and every evening bring us closer to that shining city upon a hill."

"On the other hand, Barack Hussein Obama appeals to the worst in his constituents -- their fears, doubts, dependence on the state, greed and envy, brokenness, pessimism and sense of helplessness. His regime rules by attempting to create crisis at every turn.  He has twisted JFK's inaugural appeal to read: 'Ask what your country can do for you, not what you can do for your country'.  It is important to remember the government cannot give to anybody anything that government does not first take from somebody else.”

Sounds like we have some work to do.  Thank goodness Ronald Reagan has given us a proven road map.

Think about it,


Thursday, July 22, 2010

What Would Reagan Do?

Mom opened deliberations  by asking no one in particular, "Given our situation in this country today, what would Ronald Reagan do?" 

All eyes, of course, went to Billy Roy Mitchum, a big Reagan devotee when not singing Merle Haggard songs or presiding over coffee at the Hubbard City Cafe, "Back in 1964, Reagan challenged conservatives, and he darned sure do the same today.  He said it was a 'Time for Choosing'  'You and I are told we must choose between a left or right,' Reagan said, 'but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right, There is only an up or down. Up to man's age-old dream -- the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order -- or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism'."

"Butch, take out your iPhone and google up totalitarianism.  It's a big word.  Then tell us whether you think it fits as a threat here in this year of 2010."

"I'm all over it, BM.  Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political person, faction, or class, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.  Totalitarianism creates a state where ordinary citizens have no significant share in decision-making and ideology that directs most if not all aspects of public and private life. 

"Totalitarian regimes or movements maintain political power through an all-encompassing propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that is often marked by personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of state terrorism."

"So if today's question is does this fit our situation today?  Duh, did Clinton have sex with that woman?", Butch loves to answer questions with questions.

The coffee group then began to really dig in by applying  the definition of this big word to our current regime in DC (District of Corruption):

State under the control of a political person named Barrack Hussein Obama

Faction or Class would be the socialist ruling class of elites

No limits to its authority by appointing Czars, passing Health Care using legislative tricks when it didn't have the votes, violating the Commerce Clause of the Constitution by forcing people to buy insurance, bribing politicians not to run for office, stopping oil drilling in the Gulf against court orders and public pleas, suing the State of Arizona for enforcing federal laws, and funneling tax payer money to 'green' scam businesses and labor unions, burying tax hikes in ever corner of every piece of legislation, appointing Supreme Court Justices who believe the Constitution is outdated and needs reforming, etc.

Striving to regulate every aspect of public and private life like our auto, finance, health care, and energy industries (so far).  Now they are going after our body weight.

Propaganda from state controlled media like CBS, NBC, ABC, New York Times, and Washington Post

Personality cult like Obama the Messiah

Restriction of speech would include "The Fairness Doctrine" and calling anyone who disagrees with them racists

Widespread use of terrorism from an regime that will not even say the words Islamic Radical Terrorist and who refuse to protect our borders and citizens but read Miranda rights to mass Jihadists murderers

Mom finally nudged back into the conversation, "So what would Reagan do?"

"You are right as usual, Maxine, also as usual when led by Butch, we digress.  The good news is that I think Reagan would outline the same plan he did in 1977, for a 'The New Republican Party', stating, 'The principles of conservatism are sound because they are based on what men and women have discovered through experience in not just one generation or a dozen, but in all the combined experience of mankind. When we conservatives say that we know something about political affairs, and what we know can be stated as principles, we are saying that the principles we hold dear are those that have been found, through experience, to be ultimately beneficial for individuals, for families, for communities and for nations -- found through the often bitter testing of pain, or sacrifice and sorrow'. 

"And we are certainly suffering some of that pain and sorrow with these assholes in office today.  I think Obama's greatest fear is that this country led by the Tea Party folks will 'go back' to our founding principles instead of 'moving ahead' to Obama's marxist plan to destroy this country.  Let's adjourn and break down Reagan's principles at our next coffee."

I don't know how Butch and BM remember all of these facts and quotes and things because these days I am beginning to forget even things I never knew.

Think about it until it's time for coffee again,


Monday, July 19, 2010

Trading Cow Fart Credits (CFCs)?

Those of you who have been following this blog for some time know that downtown Hubbard City suffers from Global Warming every July and August.  Those of the current Ruling Class who take their coffee at the Hubbard City Drugstore blame the warming on excessive gas expelled by cows who reside on land owned and operated by one Scott Riddle, local rancher and insurance barren and husband of Pat, who is an angel.  Scott, his family, and many cows live west of downtown Hubbard.

Well, it seems the real estate market is somewhat slow in Hubbard, and a local unnamed realtor, Ram He-Mauel, is not letting this warming crisis go to waste.  Seems this entrepreneur has set up an exchange where he will buy Cow Fart Credits (CFCs) from those who own land (and don't own cows) and sell them to Scott Riddle (who owns many, many farting cows).  Legislation has been proposed to the Hubbard City Counsel that would require any rancher to have no more than one cow farting per every 20 acres.  This legislation would allow the trading of Cow Fart Credits (CFCs) to balance farts across central Texas ranches.  This legislation is entitled:  CRAP AND TRADE.  This writer will follow this pending legislation and hopes to interview most of the involved parties once the air clears.  Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, Once Happy Harry Reid is preparing to bring a Cap and Trade Bill to his crack governing body in Washington, D.C.  This legislation would be patterned after Al Gore and friends plans to save the world from global warming while they also stimulate the capitalist system.  Algore is an investor in the Chicago Climate Exchange along with other honorable people like Goldman Sachs.  This exchange provides a trading floor for Carbon Credits (the exchange takes a fee around 4% for every trade). 

Traders include organizations like The National Farmers Union who promotes tax payer scams like renewable energy sources such as ethanol, biodiesel and wind energy.  National Farmers Union’s Carbon Credit Program is a multi-state program that allows farmers and landowners to earn income by storing carbon in their soil through "no-till" crop production and longterm grass seeding practices. We know a lot of lazy farmers around Hubbard that would love the "no till" way of making money by just letting the carbon stay in the ground, huh?  Farmers Union has earned approval from the Chicago Climate Exchange to aggregate carbon credits. Farmers Union is enrolling producer areas of carbon into blocks of credits that will be traded on the Exchange, much like other agricultural commodities are traded.

The National Farm Union surprisingly were big supporters of President Hussein in 2008.  They graded each of the candidates based on their policies. Obama received a perfect 100% rating, based on his support of the 2008 Farm Bill and a renewable fuel standard. On the other hand, the organization gave John McCain a grade of zero percent, in part because he was in favor of reducing subsidies for ethanol and food products (can you imagine that?).

Folks, we are not making this up.  The greatest scam ever is unfolding before our very eyes.  Al Gore, Valerie Jarrett, Obama, the Green Movement, and the Chicago Machine are all financially invested in this ridiculous scheme.  They have BILLIONS of YOUR DOLLARS in their gun sites.

This nation can not survive Socialized Health Care, the auto industry takeover by unions, government bailouts, deficit spending, and takeovers of Wall Street (with their Goldman Sachs accomplices), and now the proposed CRAP AND TRADE.

That's what I think, but then I could write a book about what I don't know,


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Why Ronald Reagan Would Love A Black Man Named Tim Scott

The conversation turned to race this week what with the Black Panthers raising hell, the resident of the White House's wife calling for the NAACP to get more "intense", and our first black President suing the State of Arizona in an attempt to rile up the Mexicans to gain votes in November.

Billy Roy weighed in first, "Ironic that Obama was going to bring us all together, and now he is doing everything possible to stir up blacks and Hispanics against white people.  In my opinion it is all bullshit, and it will not work like most things Obama does.  Most Americans today are beyond race and are way more interested in issues.  For example Conservatives don't care whether you are black or white as long as you stick to your principles.  Remember what Ronald Reagan said in 1975:  'A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell its numbers.'  As usual Reagan was exactly right, and you only have to look at the current Republican political race in South Carolina as proof.   A black candidate named Tim Scott beat all of his white opposition by running on his own contract with America.  A contract that the Republican party would be smart to copy."

"Tell them about Tim Scott, Butch."

"Better still, I'll outline Tim Scott's platform, major issues, and views from his own website."

The Issues

Create New Jobs
As a small-business owner and entrepreneur, Tim understands that business prospers when government gets out of the way. Tim has never voted to increase taxes, because he believes that your hard-earned dollars belong in your pocket, and in our economy – not in a government spending program.

Develop Better Health Care Solutions
President Obama’s health care bill taxes too much, spends too much, is bad for our health care, and is unconstitutional. Tim Scott will fight against government takeover of health care.

Tim believes in targeted, common sense reforms that will make health care more affordable, reduce the number of uninsured Americans, and increase the quality of care at a price our country can afford. Medical decisions should be made by patients and their providers, not by Washington bureaucrats.

Promote Our South Carolina Values
A proud member of the NRA, Tim supports the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, and to defend themselves, their family and their property. Tim Scott believes in the sanctity of traditional marriage between a man and a woman and opposes gay marriage. Tim believes that a society is ultimately judged by how it treats its weakest and most vulnerable members. That is why he is 100% pro-life and opposes euthanasia and assisted suicide, as well as the non-consensual withholding of care because of disability, age, or infirmity. Tim will fight for the rights of the unborn, and will resist government funding for abortions.

Protect Our Borders & Enforcing Our Laws
South Carolina has been hit particularly hard by illegal immigration. Each year, we spend more than $186 million to educate, provide medical care, and incarcerate illegal aliens. Washington has failed to deal with the immigration problem, leaving the States to fend for themselves. That is why Tim Scott has sponsored immigration legislation that is modeled after the Arizona law.

He will fight to remove the incentives, like health care and education, which attract illegal immigrants to our state. Tim will also make sure our state law enforcement agencies are given the proper training and tools they need to enforce immigration laws. Tim is committed to strengthening penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

Reduce Spending
Tim Scott will bring common sense back to Washington. He will fight waste, frivolous “pork” spending, and the unconstitutional overreach of the federal government

Reform Our Tax Code
Our current tax code is a product of too much lobbying, too much “lawyering”, and too much bureaucracy. By being overly complex and punitive, the code threatens the economic freedom of the average citizen and the ability of our businesses to compete in the global economy.

Tim Scott is a prominent supporter of the Fair Tax. This will simplify the tax code, and result in a fairer, more stable, and more efficient system which taxes consumption instead of income. The plan addresses the needs of the least fortunate Americans, while also promoting jobs and economic growth.

Tim supports eliminating the death tax so that families no longer have to fear losing their life’s work to the tax collector.

Win the War on Terror
Tim Scott believes that to win the War on Terror, we have to leave our political correctness behind and deal honestly with the root of the problem – radical Islam, which is irreconcilable with both the modern world and our American values.

Pretty much out of breath, Butch came back,"So what do you think, BM?"

"I don't think this has a damn thing to do with race.  You could be black, brown, yellow, tan, purple, or Lilly white, and most non-Socialist would support the hell out of this platform.  Obama, Jesse Jackson, Rev. Wright, and the other Marxist Liberation Socialists are going to be exposed for the hypocrites that they are as more principled minorities start speaking out and running for office.  What a shame that this country's first black President could not have been pro-American like Tim Scott," Billy Roy summed it up as he usually does.

I agree but then you have to remember that I have forgotten things that I never knew.


Friday, July 9, 2010

It's Time to Start Taking Sides

Uncharacteristically Billy Roy Mitchum, while enjoying a few days of down time from his busy summer schedule of serenading the country and western fans of Central Texas, introduced the topic of conversation as Linda, the World's Greatest Waitress, poured coffee (stronger than the California governor in his prime). "I have always thought you could tell about a person by getting them to 'take sides', and while I don't have much good to say about our current White House resident, he does take sides. Just in the past few days he has sided with the Russians, anti-job environmentalists, anti-spill clean up Unions, illegal foreign criminals, Muslims, and then to top it off, the Black Panthers."

Aunt Martha was stunned by this remark, "BM, its not like you to exaggerate.  What in the world are you talking about?"

Of course this was a giant opening for Butch Jackson who is a semi store house of information of pertinent and some irrelevant facts, figures, and other things.  "Here is the background data that not only supports BM's statement but folks are at least sub-consciously considering as they approach the November mid-term elections:

Russian Spies

One side believes we should hold these 10 spies long enough to find out what and who they know and how to guard against more breaches of security.

Obama wants to release them in hopes that it will 'improve relationships with the Russians'.

Jobs and Energy

One side believes we should protect jobs during a tough economic cycle while reducing our dependence of foreign energy.

Obama wants to suspend drilling in the Gulf eliminating 80,000 jobs while increasing our dependence on foreign oil and our exposure to more tanker spills.  And what jobs has Obama produced? The economy has lost 2.3 million jobs since he signed his stimulus bill, leaving him 7.4 million jobs short of what he promised the American economy would support by 2010.

Oil Spill Clean Up

One side wants to use every emergency aid available to keep the oil from contaminating the beaches and marshes while cleaning the spill as fast as possible.

Obama wants to protect his campaign contributions from Unions by keeping foreign ships from participating in the clean up .

Illegal Criminals Crossing Our Border

One side supports any state, Arizona, in their efforts to enforce laws and protect their citizens and borders from illegal immigrants and drug cartels.

Obama wants to sue Arizona for enforcing federal laws that he will not enforce because he wants to make 12 million illegal criminals Democratic Party voters.

NASA and Muslims

One side wants to use tax payer money spent on NASA to advance the USA's interest in science and technology while insuring that foreign governments do not use space to threaten the safety and security of the country.

Obama wants our primary and 'foremost' mission for NASA to be praising Muslim nations and their contributions to science and mathematics in the hopes that it will improve their view of Christian and Jewish infidels.

Voting Rights and Racism

One side wants to enforce voting laws that protect polling places from menacing people with weapons who are trying to keep polling observers from interfering with the 400,000 fraudulent votes that ACORN and other 'community action' groups stuff into ballot boxes.

Obama supports the dropping of, not only charges, but convictions of Black Panthers who make videos screaming for Blacks to kill all Crackers and White babies and not to associate with White Whores.  These same Black Panthers are videoed with clubs intimidating White voters and polling observers.  This from the Black President that was 'post racial' and would bring us all together.  The same one that is currently fomenting hate and distrust in the Hispanic community as well as he tells them they can't take their children to get ice cream cones without being harrassed."

BM then approached Martha with great sincerity, "Aunt Martha, it pains me to say that I don't believe we are exaggerating, and I am afraid we may even be understating Obama's positions, motivations, and intentions.  You know I am like a lot of other people who didn't know things were working so good, until Obama broke them so bad."

Think about it,


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Folks at the Cafe came back to coffee still mulling over silly things like freedom, liberty, justice, and stuff that were kicking up dust during the 4th of July Weekend. Butch Jackson is well known for his frugal ways being the next to the last guy to be apt to pick up a check for group coffee (right behind the likes of post office or other semi-government employees). So it wasn't surprising to hear Butch reflect on taxes and the recently celebrated American Revolution, "Don't ever forget the big issue in those days was being taxed without a 'say so' in how the tax money is spent. They called it TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. It was a really big deal to the colony folks, and particularly the land owners and business guys."

"Yep," retorted Billy Roy Mitchum, "And look at us today some 230 years later. We have come full circle. Ever sense our guys fought to gain freedom and justice from the Brits this whole 'representation' thing has become sacred. The main way we are represented is by voting. There has been a concentrated effort to get every citizen, and some that aren't, to the polls. Hell, that was the main job of our current resident in the White House. He was a 'community organizer'. These organizers are mostly people, like Obama, of means who go into poor areas and get people to sign up and vote for their candidates. This is a major way the 'elite' control elections. When they get their candidates into office in one of these districts they are usually 'safe' from being defeated ever again. In fact they are called 'safe districts'. Pukes like Pelosi and Barney Frank come from safe districts.  Politicians can do a lot of damage to our way of life when they don't have to worry about having to defend themselves in future elections. This thing called 'term limits' is their worst fear since it would stop the corruption that comes with unchallenged politicians."

Of course Butch came back in on the tax thing, "I hear you loud and clear, BM. So in 230 years it seems to me we have gone from TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION to REPRESENTATION WITHOUT TAXATION. For example, in the great State of Texas our schools are financed by real estate taxes from home owners. Homeowners represent 47% of the voters and shrinking. The majority of voters, that being about 53%, pay no school taxes. Yet, they can control the tax rates, spending, and distribution of revenues collected from the home owners. The same is true with income taxes. Very soon the majority of Americans will pay zero taxes, and yet they have full voting rights. Our founding fathers are flopping in their graves I am sure to see how far we have come. Most folks think women got the right to vote in 1920 with women's suffrage. The truth is in the state of New Jersey women had the same rights as men to vote in 1776. But, a big but, both had to be land owners. Our founders believed voters needed to have skin in the game to play the game."

Mom felt moved to participate, "Seems in our current 'Obama World' we have Socialist not only at the bottom of our society who want rights without paying any of the bills, and then we have these Socialists at the top that we call elitists or crony capitalists (folks like Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street) who want to use the government to protect their fortunes while the middle class are footing the bill. I am beginning for the first time to understand why people like Bill Gates (Microsoft), Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway), George Soros, and Robert Rubin (Goldman Sachs and 80% of Wall Street) are such big time Obama supporters. If they screw up, Obama will bail them out.  Also, he protects their monopolies from the middle class while letting them play a major role in the governing elite. The tea party movement seems to be a wake up call, and I just hope it is strong enough and has staying power to turn the country around."

Well, coffee ended with a resounding,  "AMEN".

As much as I agree with Mom, and always have, I must admit that both of us are beginning to forget things that we never even knew.

Think about it,


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obama's Bullshit Soils the 4th of July

After hearing Obama cry for "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" as he attempts to gain a large portion of the 11-15 million illegals that are potential votes for his re-election in 2012, this coming weekend became even more important.  Before we address the coming holiday let's not let Obama's bullshit smother the simple facts of illegal immigration.  Bottom line, in his most annoying and narcissistic performance yet, Obama said that our immigration laws are not enforceable, and therefore like everything else, we need new legislation written by his socialist cut throats.  The simple truth is there are at least three existing laws Obama refuses to enforce which should be the basis for his impeachment.  Laws the Congress and Courts should force Obama to execute follow:

1.  Secure the borders.
2.  Enforce laws prohibiting employers from hiring illegals.
3.  Enforce laws prohibiting visitors from illegally staying beyond their visas dates.

Issues like this demonstrate the importance of this coming Sunday.

On July 4th, we will explode our fireworks and hold our annual picnics to celebrate Independence Day marking the day in 1776 that the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence.  For most of our lives we have been able to focus only on the fun aspects of this holiday with little thought that our celebrated Independence was in jeopardy in any way.  Not so in 2010.  Why?  First let's look at this thing called a Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence was intended to be an official statement explaining why the 13 American colonies had declared their independence from Great Britain. In the years following its passage, however, this statement of principles about the rights of man grew to mean much more.  In fact this document became a basis for our Constitution and the American way of life.

America was founded on a set of clearly expressed "self-evident" truths.  It is these "truths" that have made our Nation different from any other in this World.  There are three powerful phrases in this document:

"...all men are created equal"

Yet, we clearly are not all equal.  We have different skills, desires, ambitions, and attributes.  We go our different ways in life.  The words of the founders capture the fact that we are to all treat each other as equals.  We are "created equal" in the sense that all men (and, we now recognize, all women) have the same natural rights, granted to them by God. We are all the same under the law.  Why are we the same?  Who says so?

"...endowed by their Creator"

The core contention of the Declaration of Independence and the principle of natural rights upon which America was founded is that there is a higher moral order upon which the laws of man must be based, those being the will of God. In forming America, our founders recognized and declared that man's rights come from God.  Man does not depend on government to grant him rights through a bureaucratic process based on what is popular at that time, but instead to secure those rights that have been granted to him by God.

In other words, power comes from God, to you, which is then loaned to government. Thus, the Declaration states, "That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."  And for what purpose do we have rights?

"...the pursuit of happiness"

To the founders the term "happiness" meant something close to "wisdom and virtue." It did not mean "do as you please", "take what you want", or "nurse at the breast of someone else" as the term is too often confused to mean today.

It is also essential to note that the Declaration does not say that we have a right to have happiness provided to us. It says we have the right to pursue happiness.  It certainly doesn't say the government should redistribute happiness.  Clearly, it does not say everyone has the right to be happy, but to pursue happiness.

The Founding Fathers understood that government could not give people happiness, that it was instead up to government to create an environment where the people could best work to achieve their dreams. It is a fact that the harder one works for that success, the greater happiness one derives from it.  The freedom to pursue your dreams of success has made this the greatest country in the history.

This year we can not brainlessly celebrate our holiday. Why?  The American commitment to Independence and Freedom as  described here is under attack by the Secular Socialist Elite who want to divorce God and our Natural Rights from our lives.  In its place they want to create a Big Government with Little Citizens in which the Elite determine what rights we Little People possess.  They use terms like Social Justice.  This means they will define Equal Results, not Equal Rights, in their efforts to redistribute wealth and even happiness, all for the purpose of gaining votes and support for the Ruling Elite.  It is amazing that these Elites have made the progress that they have when Socialism has failed and is failing every place it has tried.

Even so, the War against Secular Socialism that we face today may be far more difficult and require even more commitment and persistence than was needed against those Brits that the Colonists faced in the 1770's.  Just maybe we should all attend the next Tea Party held in our communities.  I take my hat off to these "Constitutionalists".

But then I could write a book about what I don't know,
