Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Obama War On Our Economy: Taxageddon

Seemed like a pretty slow day at the Cafe so Billy Roy, as he is apt to do when he is semi-bored, turned to Butch Jackson who is never bored if he can have the opportunity to listen to himself, "Butch, what is newsworthy these days that really matters? Seems the press is cluttered with Obama's 'junk' campaign issues. Big stuff like a new dead-on-arrival tax on ECONOMIC PRODUCERS and his heart rendering stories of his drug youth when he had to get help (a free ride) from the government to get his education (not only were records never released to the public, he and his wife gave up their cherished licenses to practice law for semi-unknown reasons).”

"BM, you were the first to identify Obama's life mission to destroy the USA economically, spiritually, and militarily. I like to call it the 'Obama Wars on America'. Some are calling it, 'TAXAGEDDON'.  Well in only 8 short months this nation's economy will be destroyed by a huge tax avalanche, and it has nothing to do with the hypocrite, zillionaire Warren Buffett nor his secretary. They, like many others with names like Clinton, Gore, Soros, and General Electric are in Obama's tank. This means they are positioned to profit big time as the US economy is destroyed. In other words they are ‘shorting’ America. Consider this. On January 1, 2013 (only two short months after Obama's re-election) taxes for Americans will go up by at least $494 billion. That is at least one half of a trillion dollars moving from our failing economy to the federal government. Here is the list of the dominoes that start falling:

(1) The expiration of the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts on all income levels.
(2) The payroll tax cut 'holiday' expires.
(3) The patch on the Alternative Minimum Tax expires punishing middle class taxpayers. This was the government's first version of the 'Buffett Rule' to punish PRODUCERS. It now impacts 38 million Americans, most of which are in the middle class. Why? No adjustments have been made to move the limits up with inflation. Cute!
(4) The ability for businesses to fully expense capital investments expires slowing business expansion even more.
(5) The tax cuts from the 2009 stimulus expire on taxpayers in lower brackets.
(6) On top of all that, Obamacare's new taxes will arrive, and we still don't know to what extent but they will be huge.
(7) Even the death tax will rise to 55 percent while the exemption will fall forcing those who inherit small farms and businesses into liquidation to pay their taxes.
(8) The Federal Reserve will continue to print money while food and oil prices escalate to devalue every American's hard earned assets (this is a tax on everyone).
(9) The marriage penalty returns.
(10) Meanwhile, the possibility of an Obama re-election is creating uncertainty in tax policy causing job creators to take a step back prior to year end not hiring, nor expanding since they don't know what the future will hold.'

"Experts say this will add $3,800 to the tax burden of an average family. I think it will be way larger than this. BM, do you think I’m over-hyping this thing?"

"Butch, I don’t think you are telling half the story. This is an Obama War on the US Economy. He also sucker punches the Military. When Obama pushed through his super-committee farce to get his debt ceiling raised so he could finance his skyrocketing deficit, which has increased by over $5 trillion since he polluted the White House with his arrival, he was forced to make spending cuts by the half-smart Republicans. So he said half of the cuts must come from Defense which is another of Obama's 'balanced' programs which is really a flat out Obama War on the Military. These cuts must begin in 2013 as well."

"Look at the timing. Obviously these calamities have been pushed by this traitorous President past his re-election. Let's look at the scenario. After the election in November the Congress will have to go into a lame duck session since many of the politicians will have been voted out or retiring. So a crippled Congress will have to act within 30 days or so to avoid these catastrophic blows to our economy. If Obama is re-elected it is quite clear by now he will insist on 'a balanced approach' knowing Republicans will not go along. The results will be a gridlocked government as we go over the cliff or the Republicans will have to crater, but we still go over the cliff just not as fast. If Romney is elected, he has the same 30 days to try to push through legislative fixes. Even if he has a supportive Republican Congress, the results will be at best poor, legislation in that no legislature can act efficiently in such a short time period."

"Now back to the big issues if Obama is re-elected, does any sane person think that an economy staggering along at a 1.5% growth rate with 15 million unemployed workers and a $15 trillion national debt growing at almost $2 trillion a year can survive these taxes on workers, job creators, and the ancestors of the deceased (THE PRODUCERS)? The answer is obviously by Obama's own design, NO. And a growing economy is our only way out of this mess, along with real spending cuts.”

"And Obama is obviously thinking, PERFECT. It is as his father dreamed in his hatred of colonialist powers like the United States of America. It is the dreams played out that Obama received FROM his father (it's in the book). Obama will make his father proud as he brings the USA to its knees. His solution to the problem is obvious. It will be even more taxes in the name of fairness, on the rich (currently the top 1% pay as much in taxes as the bottom 95%), massive reductions in military spending (bring the troops home), and more government regulation of the economy (reign in the thieves and polluters). Where will he place the blame? Old rich, white, greedy businessmen. And, of course, George Bush's failed policies!!"

"Meanwhile Obama is distracting the media and voters with ridiculous issues like the Republicans war on women, the Buffett rule, and his complete and total lies on the repercussions of Paul Ryan's budgetary attempts to get the nation on the right economic track. Obama's intentions are total destruction of the USA. Obama's actions are criminal. Obama's character is traitorous."

Do any of you readers doubt this in any way? Do any of you believe that a re-elected Obama will work with a Republican congress to avoid this disaster (he has no allegiance to the USA)?

Think about it but with great urgency.

After November, 2012 it will be too late.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Obama Attempts To Enlist Women In His War on America

Mom and Aunt Martha put on the pads and suited up knowing the topic of WOMEN would be debated at the Hubbard City Cafe last week, what with the comments of Hillary Rosen stirring up dust down the main street of Hubbard City. (What is with these women named Hillary, anyway?)

When the topic didn't come up, Mom was the instigator, "So, Billy Roy, just how does this 'War on Women thing' relate to your belief that President Obama's sole purpose in life is to do everything he can to destroy what he thinks is a Colonial United States by weakening it spiritually, economically, and militarily?"

"I thought you would bring this topic up, and so I have tried to connect the dots. Let's start with how Obama is trying to use women in the spiritual debate. He started this by saying the Catholic Church was part of a Republican War on Women by refusing to provide contraceptives, including morning after abortion pills, FREE in their insurance plans. Obama's intent is to try to use women to divide religious institutions between the liberals, who care about women, and the conservatives, who mistreat women. Of course any person of any intelligence knows the real issue isn't contraceptives or women's rights. The real issue is RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AS GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION."

"In Obama's War on Christianity it is critical that he break down the American family unit if possible while weakening religious organizations. Obama has a lot of help in this area from people like 'the Hillarys'. Hillary Rosen is an avowed Lesbian. I will read her Wikipedia bio, 'Rosen resigned as head of the RIAA (Recording Industry of America) at the end of 2003 with the officially stated reason that Rosen's wanted to spend more time with her partner, Elizabeth Birch, and the twins they adopted in 1999. Birch was then the executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, an organization devoted to LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transvestites) rights.[4]Rosen is herself a lesbian[5] and briefly served as interim director for the LGBT organization Human Rights Campaign in 2004. Rosen and Birch separated in 2006.' So it is clear that Ann Romney, who Hillary attacked, stands for everything Hillary hates. That would be family, real mothers, homemakers, and women who like men. Hillary Rosen is a committed political activist dedicated to the destruction of the family."

"Let me read her statement regarding Mrs. Romney, on April 11, 2012, during an appearance on CNN, Rosen commented on the difficulties faced by women in a slow economy, and the Romney campaign's claim that Barack Obama's presidency was bad for women: "What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying, 'Well, you know my wife tells me that what women really care about are economic issues and when I listen to my wife that's what I'm hearing.' Guess what? His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school and why do we worry about their future."[13]

"Ms Hillary set herself up as a typical Mom unlike Mrs. Romney who she portrays as a rich stay at home Mom. Rosen has worked for MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, and the Huffington Post. She has a $120,000 consulting agreement with the Democratic National Party working to re-elect Obama. This socialist lesbian is far from a typical Mom and is clearly a soldier in Obama's War on Religion and the American Way of Life. She was paid lock, stock, and barrel to go out and claim the Republicans were waging a war on women. She is clearly what Rush would call a feme-Nazis."

Billy Roy had to take a deep breath at this point, "Now to Obama’s War on the Military and his attempt to use women. Where do I start? Obama has done everything possible to demand women's equal rights in the military, including combat roles, in stark contrast to his military leader’s advice. Additionally, in Obama's strategy to surrender US leadership around the world (Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, and Syria to name a few), he hides that plan under the guise of 'bringing the troops home' which everyone wants. His strategy is to appeal to Mom's who have children in combat roles. Of course everyone is for bringing the troops home and against military action of any kind unless it is required to protect this country's safety and security. That, of course, is not Obama's metric for determining the use of the military. His metric is based only on weakening our leadership worldwide. He wants to dismantle the military along with our leadership position in the free world."

"Just last week we learned that Obama is calling for drastic cuts to military families in his Defense Spending Bill.  He is calling for increases between 30 percent to 79 percent in Tricare (military family insurance) annual Premiums for the first year. After that, the plan will impose five-year increases ranging from 94 percent to 345 percent – more than three times current levels.  U.S. Military service people don’t get the equipment they need to do their jobs. They don’t have the manpower they need to complete their missions. Their families scrimp and sacrifice financially so they can serve their country. They risk their lives and give their lives for their country.  And Obama reduces their benefits in hopes it will hurt recruiting.  In the same budget he protected unionized civilian defense workers who sit behind their comfortable desks in Washington.  Obama believes they deserve better treatment than our heroes serving overseas.  Let's face it, Obama and his liberal followers hate the military."

"Economically, Obama adds costs and regulations in his campaign to convince women he is protecting them from mean white male businessmen. Obama does everything possible to convince women they can only trust the government and unions for their economic protection. The more women buy into this farce, the weaker we become economically as our dependency on a big over-sized government increases. The truth is these mean white businessmen enlisted the partnership of women in business years ago as evidenced by the success and upward mobility of women in the work place. Unlike the lesbian political activist Hillary Rosen, Republicans want to give women a choice to WORK AT HOME OR IN THE WORKPLACE. Nothing is more important to the survival of this nation than the role women play in rearing our children. While at the same time, women in the workplace are making huge contributions to this country's economic leadership.”

"And of course you have Obama's insane scare tactics.  He claims any Republican attempt to bring sanity to the nation's deficit and federal spending addictions (Paul Ryan's proposed budget) is an attack against women who care about poor people, health care, education, and old people.  Meanwhile his spending practices unhampered by any budget or congressional oversight are clearly accomplishing his goal of destroying the American economy for our children, big time."

“As Obama plays games pitting Americans against each other because of our race, our wealth, our sexual practices,and other so called minorities that need his protection, it is gender that he prizes the most. Why? Because this ‘so called women minority' is actually a majority of the voters he needs for re-election. THIS IS ALL A PART OF OBAMA'S PLAN TO 'DIVIDE AND DESTROY'."

“The good news is that it WILL NOT WORK. As we men learn on a daily basis from folks like Maxine and Aunt Martha, women are way too smart to fall for this skinny little nuthin’s destructive schemes.”

This certainly makes me think,
