Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Noose Is Tightening on America’s Phony President

Dear Jim,

My attempt at putting distance between me and DC politics continues to slide into a huge bar ditch. I justified my attention to Obama’s economic speech yesterday by telling myself I need to tune in to see whether I should cash in my CD at the First State Bank of Hubbard City. Decisions like that need all the input you can get. It is my cash, but on the other hand, a transaction like that could bring the Hubbard financial markets to their knees. I, like the other folks here at the CafĂ©, take these decisions very seriously.

President Obama, like a finely tuned laser, has refocused his attention back on the economy. He said, “Washington has taken its eye off the economy.” He reminded the country that he is the champion of the middle-class Americans who are struggling to make ends meet (maybe this is about the gay thing?). So why does our leader need to refocus the nation? “Because Republicans have succumbed to an endless parade of distractions and political posturing AND PHONY SCANDALS.” Wow, how does a middle-class champion get his work done when he is surrounded by political scoundrels in a City like Washington, D.C. who are constantly succumbing?

Never have words THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE been truer than in these United States in the year 2013. The truth is the PHONY IN DC IS BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. The second truth is THE SCANDAL NOOSE IS TIGHTENING AROUND OBAMA’S NECK on several fronts that even the Obama press is beginning to admit.

Jim, get comfortable because I am going to describe just of few of these phony scandals using only one paragraph so the people in Mr. Calm will stay with us on this. OK, I will admit it is a hellava long paragraph.

Obama is, and was, a phony from day one. We have no records of his educational background or his sources of income enabling that alleged education. The odds are extremely high he is not an American citizen and not qualified to even run for our highest office much less spend two terms using it to destroy our country, ON PURPOSE (see details under my signature). One of the phony scandals is clearly this peaky little thing where Obama’s thugs directed the Internal Revenue Service to stop conservative, religious, and Tea Party groups from funding opposition to him in the 2012 Election (not to mention the illegal votes counted in large, predominantly black, urban cities in swing states). Bottom line, they stole the election. This little scandal was tracked to the White House this very week with records of the politically appointed IRS chief counsel visiting the White House prior to his shenanigans. Another phony scandal is now revealing how Obama used his Justice Department who threaten whistle blowers and Fox news reporters not to divulge damaging information prior to the 2012 Election. The cover-up of the “phony” Benghazi attack continues to hound Obama and Hillary revealing how they destroyed the NO AMERICAN LEFT BEHIND basic foundation of the US military. Why the stand-down and cover-up? The same old 2012 Election. Speaking of the Justice Department, don’t forget the phony scandal of walking guns into Mexico in hopes of creating a situation that would assist in banning guns from American citizens like George Zimmerman. Our unlucky President was caught in this phony scandal when Brian Terry was killed with those guns. Damn, it is easier to get away with this stuff when good people don’t die. Obama’s intentions were good. He just wanted to be President of the once most powerful nation in the world so he could help the middle class. If your intentions are good your actions and the end results don’t matter much, right? So when someone calls you on your actions and the end results, it is a phony accusation. Got it? If so you too can be an Obama worshiper. Obama cares!

Whew, Jim, I hope you get the idea. Obama has so many nooses tightening around his skinny little ugly neck that even Bill and Hillary are getting nervous. Many of the perpetrators have left, people like Axelrod and Panetta. Others are trying to leave, like Holder and Hillary. In the next few months I predict we, the American public, will be the only ones left with this despicable excuse for a human being.

PHONY is way too mild to describe Obama. Bill Clinton was a lying sleaze bag. But at least you could describe him. The English language has never been challenged to this degree. There is no term to describe Barrack Hussein Obama. My prediction is he will go down in history for creating a new term. In future years our very worst will be known simply as “OBAMA’S”.

Wasting away in Hubbard-ville,

Your friend,

Billy Roy

A good friend of mine is an expert. She has said for months the birth certificate is not only a forgery but a bad one at that. The forged long form birth certificate update of July 8, 2013: Forensic findings on Obama’s birth certificate: ‘A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it’ World Tribune

Monday, July 22, 2013

Hopefully My Last Posting About Skittles

Never in our history has the American public been more misled than today by the thugs in the White House, their rich liberal donors, and the "so-called" press. Today's paper screamed a headline "Justice for Trayvon is the cry across the US". The article spoke of the 101 cities who protested the Zimmerman verdict led by Al Sharpton, a race merchant, former politician, and now MSNBC news anchor. The chants, "Justice, Justice. Now, Now. No Justice, No Peace. Who next? Enough is Enough." And why not? We are told a CHILD was profiled, stalked, and murdered as he walked home with his candy and iced tea because he was wearing a hoodie. We are told that he could have been the President's son or even the President himself. When Obama said this we were supposed to go, "WOW!". Instead my thought was so Obama is saying back when he was a young man, stoned, and going to school free he could have bashed someone's head into the concrete. This was before the system gave him a law degree, a community organizer job in the ghetto, and then a political career. "WOW", what a great country!

There is one problem with this child and his candy story . It is complete and total BULLSHIT. It is not only untrue. It is mean, destructive, and intended to tear down everything this country stands for. It is an attack against our nation, and it is on purpose. The intent is divide the country and to continue to transfer wealth and power to a small elite group of lawless liberals led by people named Soros, Obama, Clinton, Reid, and Pelosi (who are "race merchants"). On the other hand, Pelosi and Reid are so dumb I don't know if they even know of the conspiracy.

What is the truth not being told? We know about Trayvon attacking Zimmerman, breaking his nose, and slamming his head into the concrete. However most of us don't know about the 17 year old "child". We also don't have any idea how corrupt and rotten the "black culture" in America is today who lives off the Trayvon Martins. I contrast the "black culture" to the American Culture. To find the truth all we have to do is Google "skittles and iced tea". Here is one of many Google responses:

Purple Drank or Lean

Purple drank is a slang term for a recreational drug popular in the hip hop community in the southern United States, originating in Houston, Texas. Its main ingredient is prescription-strength cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine. Give HLN an “F” for their research department.

Purple Drank or Lean is a cocktail that is created by mixing Robitussin or other over-the-counter cough medicines with — yes — Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Juice, the same flavor of tea Trayvon Martin was carrying that night.

Purple Drank also goes by other street names such as sizzurp, lean, syrup, sip sip, drank, barre, purple jelly and Texas tea. It has opiate-like effects. Some of its side effects include confusion, agitation, and hallucinations among others. Did Trayvon Martin feel sufficiently paranoid to lash out violently in the way Zimmerman and witnesses claim. This is important because a street drug that is popular in the young urban community known as Purple Drank or Lean produces those very side effects — agitation and paranoia describes the drugs popularity in the hip hop community (Jay-Z's world):

Purple drank grew out of the underground Houston hip-hop community in the 1990s along with chopped and screwed rap music—a slowed down, remixing of rap songs using skipped beats and scratching. DJ Screw aka Robert Earl Davis Jr. is said to have originated the style of the slow chopped and screwed, which compliments purple drank’s effects of relaxing the user.

DJ Screw died in 2000 of a codeine overdose. That same year, Three 6 Mafia’s song “Sippin’ on Some Syrup” made purple drank mainstream. The group’s song “Rainbow Colors” is about adding Jolly Rancher candy to create the desired rainbow.

Around this same time, evidence of purple drank began showing up across the South from Lafayette, Louisiana to Pensacola, FL.

This data was not allowed in the Zimmerman trial nor is it reported in the press. It does not support the story about a child and his candy. These facts tell the story about a black culture that is very sick today and destroying children, families, and maybe this nation. It is a culture based on anger, drugs (drank?), pimps (ghetto heroes who live off "ho's"), violence, stupid music, Hollywood (Jay-Z and Beyonce led marches this weekend), dumbed down dress styles (showing your ass and covering your head doesn't help you get a job), poor English featuring ghetto home-made words (drank, again), complete and total ignorance (remember Trayvon’s girl friend), fatherless children (a whooping 73% of blacks are born without fathers), government “free stuff” (food stamps tradable for cash), and don’t forget the “civil rights” leaders (Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, etc.) who fight for the rights to keep the black culture in the gutter. Today's civil rights leaders are race merchants. Martin Luther King is doing flip flops in his grave.

The real question is who should be on trial for young black deaths today? After all, in Chicago alone one is killed every day and usually murdered by another black. Who benefits from this horrible black culture? Who destroyed the city of Detroit and will soon do the same to cities like Chicago? Who suffers the most from the black culture? The nation should be demanding answers to these questions instead of falsely creating someone like George Zimmerman as the black child's destroyer. Zimmerman has never even been to Chicago and Detroit.

If it really takes the truth to set people free then we better start speaking up if we want to remain free.

Think about it,
