Monday, June 8, 2009

Raising More Than Hay in Hubbard

Scottie Andersen told me this weekend that "he was a lucky man". "He spent $60 per bale to grow his hay and sold it for $35 a bale." When I asked him why that was lucky? He said "because I didn't have many bales!"

This brought a comment from Billy Roy Meechum that maybe Scottie needed a government "bale out". Not only did the group not appreciate BR's humor, this launched them into an assessment of the recent assistance provided the locals seeking stimulation.

While every bank in Central Texas refused TARP money, the only help they have received in the auto industry appears to be the unfair, and probably unlawful, closing of local GM and Chrysler dealerships costing jobs in the surrounding area.

Aunt Martha suggested that the Cafe folks were being too critical and maybe they should give "hope and change a chance". She thinks maybe the Cap and Trade (Waxman-Markey bill) will stop Scott Riddle, local cattle barron, from globally warming downtown Hubbard.

This comment caused Butch Jackson, local fact finder, to quote the Heritage Foundation Economic report on Cap and Trades impact on farming: "Worst of all is what happens to farmers’ net income. Waxman-Markey significantly shrinks farmers’ net income. Farm income is expected to drop $8 billion in 2012, $25 billion in 2024, and over $50 billion in 2035. These are decreases of 28%, 60% and 94% from the baseline, respectively."

Of course, this caused Billy Roy Meechum to repeat his earlier comments that Congress needs to Cap their mouths and Trade their offices for real jobs back home.

This pretty much ended all the advice that Scottie got on his hay problem. Looks like he really is lucky compared to the prospects of future farmers of America.

Think about it,


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