Monday, April 26, 2010

Cafe Calls for American Citizens to Unite

Butch Jackson, newly self ordained Constitutionalists, initiated what became a call for All American Citizens to unite to keep America for Americans. Here is his pitch with some of the passion edited out with minimum distraction from the key points, "Obama and his Socialist Elitists have basically laid their cards on the table, and it ain't a pretty hand. This weekend he and the Dems distributed a video calling on young people, women, African Americans, and Hispanics to unite as they did in the 2008 election behind Hope and Change to protect the offices of his lackey Dems in the House, Senate, and most of all to protect his ass in the 2012 Presidential Election. He also called on new voters to join them."

"This sounds like class warfare is moving out in the open. So he left out white men, white women, Asians, Euros, the elderly, and mixed races. Who are these new voters, anyway?" Billy Roy Mitchum jumped in with both boots.

"As always, BM, you sliced right into the tender meat of this dialogue to no surprise of the God fearing, peace loving Cafe coffee drinkers of which I am most proud to be a member in good standing," was Butch's gleeful response making the drinkers wonder if this was a set up discussion. "These so called new voters are mostly Hispanics or Mexicans or Latinos who are in this country illegally to the number of anywhere from 15 to 20 million (with an M). The majority of which reside in these fine border states of which Texas is clearly the largest and most important because of Houston, Travis, Crocket, and all those guys. Obama wants to legalize them by passing what the misguided call Comprehensive Immigration Reform or Amnesty."

"You mean Obama would import voters to create a majority of people dependent upon his Socialist Regime just to keep power?" questioned a somewhat dubious Aunt Martha who sometimes even has coffee at the Drug Store as well as the Hubbard City Cafe mixing with Liberals and people like that.

"No question, Mam," Butch pulled his chair forward as he waved to the World's Greatest Waitress Linda for a refill. "Did you see him attacking the semi-great state of Arizona this weekend because they want to apprehend illegals who are murdering ranchers and having drug wars as the Federal Government continues to leave the borders unprotected? The more that come in and get amnesty the fewer American Citizens Obama needs to get re-elected. Mr. Steven Brophy is the President of none other than the American Cattlemen's Association. He says we need at least 15,000 guards right on the border and probably a fence to protect the borders. He says this Racial Profiling crap from Obama is trying to change the subject from the Federal Government's failure to protect our borders. We need troops on the border, and we need them now."

BM roared back into the conversation, "Enough said, Butch. We need action. I am declaring a Nationwide Movement on this very day for All American Citizens to unite to protect our borders, implement our Immigration Laws, and throw anyone who opposes these actions out of office starting with that Bozo in the White House. I agree with Rush who says Obama is the least competent and least experienced person in any, I repeat, any room."

So Mom had a question, "So who would be included in this group that's called to action?"

"Let's be very clear," BM responded as he tugged his hat brim down in front. "All Citizens include white men, Asians, Euros, all women, and most of all the ones who are hurt the most by illegal immigration, that being Latino Citizens and those with legal work permits, and most of all Blacks. Blacks are the ones who suffer the most by the lost jobs to illegals, welfare programs, and the nanny state pushed on them by Liberal Elitist Dems and Racial Justice Pimps. All American Citizens need to stand up and be counted to take this country back, and our Blacks should lead the parade."

Butch closed the meeting with a short prayer, maybe his first in public, "God Bless Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, Washington, all the Adams, and now Billy Roy Mitchum."

If you are an American Citizen, think about it,



  1. To bring enlightenment to the Cafe on what it means to be a moderate, may I express my views on illegal immigrants in Texas. I am a fence builder. I am in favor of putting out of work people to patroling our borders and ejecting Mexican citizens who were unfortunate enough to experience birth in Mexico. I am in favor of using the National Guard to patrol the borders. I am in favor of using the Hubbard Police Department to patrol the border. I am in favor of stopping illegal immigration on the border and in the airports. How can anyone oppose protecting our borders?

  2. Earl Stubbs Posted This Comment:

    To bring enlightenment to the Cafe on what it means to be a moderate, may I express my views on illegal immigrants in Texas. I am a fence builder. I am in favor of putting out of work people to patroling our borders and ejecting Mexican citizens who were unfortunate enough to experience birth in Mexico. I am in favor of using the National Guard to patrol the borders. I am in favor of using the Hubbard Police Department to patrol the border. I am in favor of stopping illegal immigration on the border and in the airports. How can anyone oppose protecting our borders?

  3. Right on, Billy Roy! Right on!
